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Employees of Legal Profservice Law Firm in May 2020 successfully liquidated the foreign representative office of a foreign company with the registered address of the main company in the UK. The company has completed its activities and has successfully passed the checks of all regulatory authorities.


It is known that in 2017 there were some changes in the legislation on the payment of a single social fee.


Согласно украинскому законодательству, иностранные лица, не имеющие постоянного вида на жительство в Украине, обязаны для устройства на официальную работу получить соответствующее разрешение. Такая практика распространена не только в Украине, но практически во всех существующих государствах в мире.


Many Ukrainians are married to citizens of other countries. Also, there are many foreigners who are married to each other and temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine. On the basis of marriage, depending on the situation, it is possible to issue either a temporary or a permanent residence permit. Let's consider in more detail how it is possible to issue a temporary and permanent residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage and what is needed for this.

Work permit in Ukraine

Work permit in Ukraine.Work permit in Ukraine - фото №1

Categories of foreigners for obtaining a work permit in Ukraine. >>>>>>
Terms for obtaining a work permit in Ukraine. >>>>>>
Period of validity of a work permit in Ukraine. >>>>>>
The cost of obtaining a work permit in Ukraine. >>>>>>
Documents for obtaining a work permit in Ukraine. >>>>>>
How to get our services. >>>>>>
Why you should contact us? >>>>>>

Today, there are quite a large number of foreign citizens in Ukraine and most of them come on business issues. Someone wants to do business in Ukraine, someone plans to work in a Ukrainian company, or is sent by a foreign company to work here. A foreigner and a company face the question of how to do it correctly.

If a foreigner plans to work in Ukraine and he does not have a permanent residence permit here (if he has one, a foreigner is registered for work, just like citizens of Ukraine), then he must first obtain a work permit in Ukraine (RNT). A foreigner who wants to open his own business in Ukraine and directly manage himself also needs to obtain a work permit in Ukraine. Without such permission, a foreign citizen is not allowed to work in Ukraine.

This requirement is provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Employment of the Population" (hereinafter the Law). The Law stipulates which foreigners need to obtain a work permit in Ukraine and how this can be done.

Categories of foreigners for obtaining a work permit in Ukraine.

For foreigners who need to obtain a work permit in Ukraine, the Law refers (art. 42-1):

  • foreign employees;
  • posted foreign workers;
  • intracorporate assignees;
  • foreigners and stateless persons, in respect of whom a decision has been made to issue documents to resolve the issue of recognition as a refugee or a person who requires additional protection;
  • foreign highly paid professionals;
  • founders and / or participants and / or beneficiaries (controllers) of a legal entity established in Ukraine;
  • graduates of universities included in the first hundred in world university rankings, in accordance with the list determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
  • foreign workers of creative professions;
  • foreign IT professionals.

Some of these categories of foreigners have been identified by the legislator as specific:

  • foreign highly paid professionals;
  • founders, participants and/or beneficiaries (controllers) of a legal entity registered in Ukraine;
    graduates of universities included in the first hundred in world university rankings, in accordance with the list determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
  • foreign workers in the creative profession;
  • foreign IT professionals.

Terms for issuing a work permit for foreigners in Ukraine.

The term for the initial receipt of a work permit for a foreigner – up to 7 working days, in case of renewal of work permit – up to 5 working days.

Period of validity of a work permit in Ukraine.

A work permit for a foreigner can be obtained for a period of 6 months to 3 years, depending on which category of foreign employees the foreigner belongs to.

For hired employees (not from the special categories), the validity of the permit cannot exceed 1 year. In addition, if the employer plans to employ such a foreigner, you should to know that the law provides for a condition for issuing a work permit - the need to pay a foreign citizen a wage of at least 10 minimum wages (in 2020 this is UAH 47,230).

A work permit in Ukraine for a period of more than one year can be obtained only by those foreigners who belong to a special category. The rule that the employer must pay a foreigner 10 minimum wages does not apply to special categories.

The cost of obtaining a work permit for foreigners in Ukraine.

The cost of obtaining a work permit in Ukraine – 3500 грн.

The cost of renewing a work permit – 3500 грн.

Documents for extending the validity of a work permit must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days before its expiration.

Included in cost:

  • providing oral advice on the procedure and conditions for obtaining a work permit;
  • provision of samples of documents;
  • drafting an employment contract with a foreign citizen if the company does not have its own contract;
  • preparation of the necessary package of documents and submitting it to the Employment Center;
  • representation of the client's interests in the Employment Center;
  • obtaining a new permit or renewed old one.

Additionally paid:

  • state duty for consideration of an application for the issue or renewal of RNT:
    - when applying for a period of up to 6 months - 2 times the living wage as of January 01 of the calendar year in which the documents are submitted (in 2020 - 4,204 UAH);
    - upon registration for a period of 6 months up to 1 year - 4 living wages as of January 01 of the calendar year when documents are submitted (for 2020 - UAH 8,408);
    - for a period from 1 to 3 years - 6 sizes of the subsistence minimum as of January 01 of the calendar year when documents are submitted (for 2020 - 12 612 UAH)
  • translation / legalization of documents, if necessary;
  • submission of a copy of the concluded labor contract to the employment center after the actual hiring of the employee;
  • filing a notification to the tax office about an accepted employee.

Documents required for obtaining a work permit in Ukraine.

To obtain a work permit, the following documents are submitted to the Employment Center:

  • a statement from the company in the form established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
  • copies of passport pages of a foreigner or stateless person with personal data with a translation into Ukrainian and a notarized signature of the translator;
  • color photo of a foreigner or stateless person measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters;
  • a copy of the draft labor agreement (contract) with a foreigner or stateless person, certified by the employer;
  • power of attorney from the company to represent interests at the Employment Center, if the documents are submitted not by the director, but through a representative.

In some cases, depending on which category of foreigners the future employee belongs to, one of these documents may additionally be submitted:

  • a copy of the diploma of higher education of the corresponding university, recognized in Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure;
  • notarized copies of documents identifying the object of copyright and / or related rights of the author and attesting authorship (copyright);
  • a copy of the agreement (contract) concluded between the Ukrainian and foreign business entity, which provides for the employment of foreigners and stateless persons sent by a foreign employer to Ukraine to perform a certain amount of work (provision of services);
  • the decision of a foreign business entity to transfer a foreigner or stateless person to work in Ukraine and a copy of the contract concluded between a foreigner or stateless person and a foreign business entity to transfer to work in Ukraine with a certain period of work in Ukraine;
  • copies of the decision on the execution of documents to resolve the issue of recognition as a refugee or a person in need of complementary protection, and a certificate of application for protection in Ukraine.

To extend the validity of a work permit, the Employment Center is submitted:

  • a statement from the company in the form established by the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • color photograph of a foreigner or stateless person measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters;
  • work permit in Ukraine (original);
  • power of attorney from the company to represent interests in the Employment Center, if the documents are submitted not by the director, but through a representative.
  • documents that have changed (for example, in the case of replacement of a foreigner's passport or if a foreigner belongs to one of the special categories and this must be confirmed so that he can take advantage of the privileges provided by the legislator).

How to get our services.

To start working with our company on obtaining a work permit, a foreigner must contact our specialists in any convenient way and provide the following information and documents.

From the company:

  • identification code, company name;
  • information about the position for which the foreigner is applying;
  • information about the period for which you need to issue a permit;
  • draft labor agreement (contract) with a foreigner, if the company has its own. The contract must indicate a wage of at least 10 minimum wages, except for foreigners of a special category to whom the requirements for the amount of wages do not apply;
  • contact phone number;
  • Email.

From a foreigner:

  • a copy of the passport with a translation into Ukrainian, the translator's signature is notarized (if our company is engaged in the translation service, a high-quality scan or a copy of the passport pages with the foreigner's personal data is required);
  • color photo of a foreigner 3.5 * 4.5 centimeters.

IMPORTANT! In September 2017, amendments were made to the Law of Ukraine "On Employment of the Population". This law introduced a new procedure and conditions for obtaining a work permit for foreigners in Ukraine.

Thus, according to the new law, the procedure for obtaining a work permit has been simplified and the list of documents submitted by employers for obtaining a work permit in Ukraine has been changed. Now you do not need to submit in a new way: a medical certificate of the absence of infectious diseases, a certificate of a narcologist, a certificate of no criminal record, a certificate of lack of access to state secrets. Also, the need to open a vacancy (filing a 3-PN form) for a foreign worker is excluded. However, the Law provides for the need to submit a draft employment contract with a foreigner.

Why you should contact us?

Each of the categories of foreigners when applying for a work permit in Ukraine has its own characteristics and it is often difficult for a foreign citizen to understand the legislation of a foreign country. Even Ukrainian companies that employ foreign labor do not always know how to properly register them in their company and turn to professionals for help.

When contacting a law firm for help, remember that you need specialists for whom work with foreigners is specialized and who know all the features of their legalization in Ukraine.

For our company, work with foreign citizens is one of the core business, and our specialists have deep knowledge in the field of migration law and will always be able to provide you with extensive advice, high-quality services not only on obtaining RNT for a foreigner, but also on many others.

By contacting our company you will receive a qualified assistant, guaranteed results and high-quality legal support in the future.

You can leave a request for our services using feedback form (here) or by calling the numbers specified on our site.

Accompanying services:


  • Tell me please, if I have a work permit in Ukraine, can I get a residence permit?
  • If I will receive a work permit in Ukraine, can I work in any company?
  • Is it possible to stay in Ukraine without leaving if you have a work permit during its validity period?
  • But I have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine for marriage. And I want to work for a Ukrainian company. Do I need to get a work permit?
  • I recently received a permanent residence permit in Ukraine. Do I still need to renew my work permit?

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