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Employees of Legal Profservice Law Firm in May 2020 successfully liquidated the foreign representative office of a foreign company with the registered address of the main company in the UK. The company has completed its activities and has successfully passed the checks of all regulatory authorities.


It is known that in 2017 there were some changes in the legislation on the payment of a single social fee.


Согласно украинскому законодательству, иностранные лица, не имеющие постоянного вида на жительство в Украине, обязаны для устройства на официальную работу получить соответствующее разрешение. Такая практика распространена не только в Украине, но практически во всех существующих государствах в мире.


Many Ukrainians are married to citizens of other countries. Also, there are many foreigners who are married to each other and temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine. On the basis of marriage, depending on the situation, it is possible to issue either a temporary or a permanent residence permit. Let's consider in more detail how it is possible to issue a temporary and permanent residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage and what is needed for this.

Law firm «LegalProfservice»


The Law Company Legal Profservice is a company specialized in providing legal services to companies, organizations and individuals. We work in different areas: corporate and family, tax and labor, land and real estate law, etc.

Choosing a partner for the protection of interests in court or for legal support of business is not always easy. The legal advisor and lawyer must have considerable experience, trust in clients, and observe the principles of confidentiality. All lawyers of Legal Profservice meet the above requirements. Difficult transactions, settlement of disputes in different branches of law, unprecedented projects, satisfaction of requests of the most demanding client are all in our power.

Areas of activity.

· Registration and liquidation предприятий
· Договорное право
· Абонентское обслуживание

We provide legal services to small, medium and large companies that can increase business efficiency and secure it. Our goal is to create a favorable legal environment for successful business development, prevention and minimization of risks.

Not every company can keep a professional lawyer on staff. Besides, the knowledge of such an employee may be insufficient in some legal matters. Competent legal advice is worth its weight in gold, it allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences in court, get the necessary permits on schedule, have support in other matters and is the key to the prosperity of the whole enterprise. In such cases, they ask to us for help.

An important part of the legal activities of Legal Profservice Law Firm is the provision of qualified legal assistance to individuals. We provide legal services to protect consumer rights, to collect debts, to support transactions related to real estate.

One of the leading areas in providing assistance to individuals is the services of a family lawyer. Family lawyers of Legal Profservice law company deals with family disputes of various categories of complexity. Among them are divorce disputes, disputes regarding the collection and determination of the amount of alimony, determination of the child’s place of residence, on the procedure for exercising parental rights, disputes related to the division of property of spouses, inheritance disputes, etc.

Also, our advocates will assist in resolving any labor, housing and other disputes.

We value every client and strive to establish long-term and trusting relationships. We guarantee non-disclosure and full protection of confidential information and trade secrets.