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Employees of Legal Profservice Law Firm in May 2020 successfully liquidated the foreign representative office of a foreign company with the registered address of the main company in the UK. The company has completed its activities and has successfully passed the checks of all regulatory authorities.


It is known that in 2017 there were some changes in the legislation on the payment of a single social fee.


Согласно украинскому законодательству, иностранные лица, не имеющие постоянного вида на жительство в Украине, обязаны для устройства на официальную работу получить соответствующее разрешение. Такая практика распространена не только в Украине, но практически во всех существующих государствах в мире.


Many Ukrainians are married to citizens of other countries. Also, there are many foreigners who are married to each other and temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine. On the basis of marriage, depending on the situation, it is possible to issue either a temporary or a permanent residence permit. Let's consider in more detail how it is possible to issue a temporary and permanent residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage and what is needed for this.

Immigration to Ukraine

Immigration to UkraineИммиграция в Украину

Visa to Ukraine.>>>>>
Permission for immigration to Ukraine. Foundations.>>>>>
Immigration or emigration. Is there a difference?>>>>>
Registration of a permanent residence permit in Ukraine.>>>>>
Documents and deadlines for issuing a permit for immigration to Ukraine.>>>>>
Caution. Scammers!>>>>>

Immigration to Ukraine serves as the basis for the country's economic growth, attracting additional investments and realizing Ukraine's long-term goals for the development of various sectors of the economy.

Immigration can be viewed from two positions: immigration as moving to a permanent place of residence in another country on the one part, and immigration as a temporary change of the country of residence on the other.

In jurisprudence, immigration to Ukraine means changing the country of residence on a permanent basis with the further registration of a permanent residence permit in Ukraine. "Temporary immigration" is possible only when applying for a temporary residence permit in Ukraine, and in this case it is not entirely correct to say "temporary immigration".

An immigrant is a foreigner or stateless person who has received an immigration permit and arrived in Ukraine for permanent residence, or, being in Ukraine on a legal basis, received an immigration permit and stayed in Ukraine for permanent residence.

Below we have indicated the possible options for processing documents for immigration. If more than one of the following situations applies to you, we recommend that you start preparing documents, taking into account which situation is indicated in the first place. However, be sure to look at another potential option.

How to immigrate to Ukraine, how you can protect yourself from fraud and what to expect after arriving in Ukraine, we will describe below.

Visa to Ukraine

Immigration to Ukraine in most cases does not require a visa to Ukraine. But in some cases, a visa to Ukraine is still needed.

For example, if a foreigner received a permit for immigration to Ukraine and went home. To enter for the purpose of immigration, he needs a visa to Ukraine. A visa to Ukraine is issued at the consulate of Ukraine in the country of residence of a foreign citizen.

The visa is issued in about 10 days. Also, usually for a doubled fee, the consulate can issue a visa in a shorter period.

To apply for an immigration permit to Ukraine, no special visa is required. To submit documents, according to the law, a foreigner must simply legally stay on the territory of Ukraine, within the established time limits (no more than 90 days within the last 180 days). In the case of a visa-free regime, a visa is not required. If a visa regime is established between the countries, in this case a foreign citizen can stay in Ukraine on a tourist, business or any other visa.

A work visa to Ukraine is issued on the basis of a work permit for foreigners issued by the employment center to an employer who plans to employ a foreigner. A work visa to Ukraine is issued for a period of 90 days and serves as the basis for a long-term (up to 3 years) entry into Ukraine of a foreigner and further submission of documents for a temporary residence permit.

Permission for immigration to Ukraine. Foundations.

It's impossible to immigrate to Ukraine just like that. For this, there must be grounds established by the Law of Ukraine "On Immigration".

Today there are two categories of foreigners who have the right to apply for an immigration permit to Ukraine. In the table below you can see the grounds for each of them.

  No quota Quota set
Grounds for obtaining an immigration permit I was born in Ukraine before 1991 I am a minor child of a person with a permanent residence permit
I permanently lived in Ukraine until August 1991 Ukrainian ministry is ready to submit an official application to the Migration

I have been married to a citizen of Ukraine for over 2 years I have invested over 100 thousand US dollars in the Ukrainian economy
My parents are citizens of Ukraine My full brother / sister is a citizen of Ukraine
My children are citizens of Ukraine My grandson / granddaughter is a citizen of Ukraine
I adopted the children of my spouse who is a citizen of Ukraine My grandfather / grandmother is a citizen of Ukraine
I am a guardian of a citizen of Ukraine I was a citizen of Ukraine (there is a presidential decree on the termination of my citizenship of Ukraine)
My guardian / trustee is a citizen of Ukraine My spouse has a permanent residence permit
My parents were born in Ukraine My son / daughter has a permanent residence permit
My grandmother / grandfather was born in Ukraine I have continuously lived on the territory of Ukraine for three years from the date of establishment of my status as a victim of human trafficking
I represent the public interest in Ukraine (Ministry will officially apply for me) I served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for three or more years
Spouse is a foreign Ukrainian  
I have a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian  

What is an "immigration quota"? For the reasons mentioned in the table, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by its resolution, annually approves the limit (limited number, quota) of foreigners who can apply for a permit for immigration to Ukraine. The quota (limited number of foreigners) is distributed evenly (in proportion to the population size or the expected number of immigrants) between the administrative regions of Ukraine.

Before starting the preparation of documents for the quota category of foreigners, it is advisable to clarify the existence of this very quota in the migration service at the planned place of submission of documents.

Immigration to Ukraine from Russia occurs according to the usual procedure and on the same grounds provided for all other foreign citizens.

Immigration or emigration (emigration). Is there a difference?

In reality, these concepts are fundamentally opposite.

We have discussed the concept of "immigration to Ukraine" above. In short, immigration is viewed from the perspective of the host country as the admission of foreigners to oneself (immigration (relocation) of foreigners - not citizens of this country to this country).

Emigration is considered from the perspective of the foreigner's country of citizenship. Emigration is the movement of a foreigner from his own country to a foreign country for permanent residence.

At the same time, there is the concept of "migration". Migration is movement, relocation of the population both within the country and from one country to another.

Registration of a permanent residence permit in Ukraine

The first step on the path of permanent legalization of a foreigner is the above mentioned immigration permit. An immigration permit can be issued both in Ukraine at the State Migration Service and at the consulate of Ukraine in the country of residence of a foreign citizen.

The final stage in the legalization of a foreigner upon immigration to Ukraine is obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine (a document that proves the identity and gives the right to live in Ukraine continuously, without leaving). A permanent view is issued only on the territory of Ukraine.

A permanent residence permit (some also call it permanent residence in Ukraine) is issued on the basis of the obtained immigration permit.

Important! Within 1 (one) year from the date of issuance of an immigration permit, a foreigner must apply to the State Migration Service for a permanent residence permit. Otherwise, the specified permission will be considered invalid and the first stage will have to be repeatedо.

Within 1 month from the date of obtaining a permanent residence permit, a foreigner must register his place of residence.

Documents and deadlines for issuing a permit for immigration to Ukraine.

The list of documents depends on which category of foreigners you belong to (quota category or non-quota category).

So, the standard list for obtaining a permit for a quota-free category:

  1. application for a permit for immigration to Ukraine
  2. copy of passport with translation into Ukrainian
  3. a copy of the passport page with a visa (if any) or a mark about the last entry
  4. certificate of no criminal record in Ukraine
  5. documents confirming the consent of the owner of the home for further registration of you in his apartment (notarial application, notarized copies of title documents for the apartment, photocopy of the passport)
  6. documents confirming the basis for obtaining an immigration permit

For the quota category, an additional:

  1. certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship
  2. certificate of the absence of infectious and other diseases, the list of which is established by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

All documents, if necessary, must be legalized in a general manner or by affixing an apostille. If there is a bilateral agreement on the provision of legal assistance between Ukraine and another country, the legalization of documents is not required.

The deadline for issuing an immigration permit by law is up to 1 year. In practice, this period ranges from 6 to 12 months.

Caution, scammers!

Unfortunately, there were some of our clients who suffered from scammers. They were attracted by the low cost and "speed" of providing the services of "false lawyers". As a result, they found themselves without money, without documents and, among other things, with an overdue stay in Ukraine.

Since this procedure requires deep knowledge of the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as work experience, it is necessary to seek help from specialists who have experience in this area. Knowledge of all the intricacies of migration law will guarantee the achievement of the desired result.

Law firm "Legal Profservice" has many years of experience in migration issues and you can confidently entrust us with the management of your affairs.

You can leave a request for our services using feedback form (here) or by calling the numbers specified on our site.

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