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Employees of Legal Profservice Law Firm in May 2020 successfully liquidated the foreign representative office of a foreign company with the registered address of the main company in the UK. The company has completed its activities and has successfully passed the checks of all regulatory authorities.


It is known that in 2017 there were some changes in the legislation on the payment of a single social fee.


Согласно украинскому законодательству, иностранные лица, не имеющие постоянного вида на жительство в Украине, обязаны для устройства на официальную работу получить соответствующее разрешение. Такая практика распространена не только в Украине, но практически во всех существующих государствах в мире.


Many Ukrainians are married to citizens of other countries. Also, there are many foreigners who are married to each other and temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine. On the basis of marriage, depending on the situation, it is possible to issue either a temporary or a permanent residence permit. Let's consider in more detail how it is possible to issue a temporary and permanent residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage and what is needed for this.
Law firm LegalProfservice » Services » Permissions and certificates in Ukraine

Permissions and certificates in Ukraine

Permissions and certificates

Permit - a document of the established form issued by the authorized authority to a business entity, which gives the right to carry out a certain type of activity.

Certification is a procedure by which a duly recognized authority confirms the compliance of products, quality systems, quality management systems, environmental management systems, personnel with the requirements established by law.
The procedure and conditions for obtaining a particular permit and / or certificate, as a rule, are clearly regulated by laws and by-laws. At first glance, the procedure for obtaining permits and certificates is simple: preparing documents, submitting them for consideration to the appropriate authority, obtaining the necessary document. However, quite often entrepreneurs are faced with various kinds of problems, for example, inaccurately filled out forms, an insufficient package of documents, etc. This leads to a refusal to issue the required document. In addition, everyone knows firsthand about the bureaucratic system of state bodies. The procedures for considering applications and issuing permits are often delayed, and you can also talk about queues for a long time.

Many years of experience of the specialists of Legal Profservice Law Firm in the sphere of obtaining permits and certificates allows you to professionally issue the following types of permits:

  • Permit to start high-risk works
  • Professional certification of designers
  • Work permit for a foreigner
  • Certificate of absence of currency values ​​outside Ukraine
  • Permits of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU)
  • Permission to place outdoor advertising objects.

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