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Employees of Legal Profservice Law Firm in May 2020 successfully liquidated the foreign representative office of a foreign company with the registered address of the main company in the UK. The company has completed its activities and has successfully passed the checks of all regulatory authorities.


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Согласно украинскому законодательству, иностранные лица, не имеющие постоянного вида на жительство в Украине, обязаны для устройства на официальную работу получить соответствующее разрешение. Такая практика распространена не только в Украине, но практически во всех существующих государствах в мире.


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Law firm LegalProfservice » Services » Liquidation of companies

Liquidation of companies

Liquidation of LLC

Liquidation of companies - фото №1

Liquidation of an enterprise (LLC, JSC, OАO and other forms of ownership) in Kiev implies the termination of the company's activities with the possibility of transferring responsibilities in the form of legal succession to other persons and without it. Legal firm "Legal profservice" provides services for the liquidation of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. Our experience will allow you to professionally and in the shortest possible time to carry out the appropriate procedures. An individual approach to each case will allow you to anticipate the difficulties that may arise during the procedure and minimize risks.

Depending on the situation, liquidation can take place in the following ways:

  • General liquidation
  • Liquidation bankruptcy (art. 51)
  • Liquidation bankruptcy (art. 52)

Possible reasons for the liquidation of the company:

  • unprofitable commercial activity;
  • depletion of enterprise resources;
  • the presence of debt to creditors or to the budget;
  • loss of interest of participants in business;
  • inexpediency of using some link of the enterprise;
  • bad tax history;
  • other reasons.
Liquidation of an enterprise through bankruptcy

Termination of the organization's activities through bankruptcy is possible in accordance with Articles 51 and 52 of the Law of Ukraine "On Restoring the Debtor's Solvency or Declaring him Bankrupt".

Article 51 provides for the specifics of applying the bankruptcy procedure in cases where the debtor's property is insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors. In this case, it is possible to appeal to the court as a liquidator (liquidation commission) of the enterprise, and debtors, in the cases provided for by the specified law.

The use of this type of liquidation is convenient when the company has debts to government agencies and / or counterparties. The advantage of this method of liquidating an organization is that the liquidation is carried out without checks by state authorities.

Article 52. provides for the specifics of the bankruptcy of the absent debtor.

To carry out the bankruptcy procedure with our help, you only need to provide the necessary package of documents.

Legal Firm "Legal Profservice" will provide professional assistance in the liquidation of your enterprise, fully taking upon itself all the burden of this procedure. Our lawyers have significant experience in solving such cases. We will provide competent advice, represent your interests in court and offer the most optimal way to close a business.